Monday, August 11, 2014

2 week weigh in....

Monday's are weigh in days and never thought I'd look forward to Monday's but I do.  I can't wait to see the scale lowering.
Today I lost another 4 lbs and 2 inches.
TOTAL since surgery 15 lbs and 5.5 inches. (13 days)

I am pleased.  I have my first follow up appointment since surgery on Thursday so another weigh in again this week for me!!!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

1 Week after Surgery

First week after surgery had it's ups and downs.  Mostly ups.  Had issues drinking the required 48 oz per day.  Had gas bubbles inside of my shoulder and stomach for 3-4 days.  That was very painful.
Walked on treadmill a couple of days.
Had a few visitors come by and bring Mike some dinner and visit with me.
My first official weigh in after surgery was on Monday, August 4th
I LOST 11 LBS in 6 days.  I was so excited.  Keep in mind I lost 20 lbs prior to surgery so now I'm at 31lbs.
Here are some pictures of me hours before surgery.

Waiting for the doctor to do his thing!!!!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Day 3 after surgery

Wow...what a journey.  Hospital had some issues.  They forgot to tell Mike where I was (what room) so I had my surgery at 530pm and Mike didn't get to see me until 10pm that night.  He was VERY mad to say the least.
I'm a little sore but no pain medicine.  I had to experience the horrible gas bubbles in my chest and shoulders.
They felt like labor pains.
I've been walking every day.  Yesterday up/down the street a few times and today I've been on treadmill 3 times 5 min each time.
My stomach is still swollen but looks pretty good.  I have 4 holes.

I am struggling trying to get my liquids in me.  I need to be drinking 48 oz a day.  Thursday I got 20 oz and so far today I've got 28 oz.  Not easy.

Thanks for your support.  Weight in on Mondays.  So looking forward to that number going down, down.

Monday, July 21, 2014

One week from surgery * post op visit today *

One week on liquid diet hasn't been the easiest thing.  I struggled this week with energy.
I continued to workout and that wasn't easy with only 500- 600 calories per day.
I am proud to say that I've lost 17 lbs and 5.5 inches in 20 days.  I would like to lose 7 more pounds before Tuesday, July 29th surgery.  I am working hard at it!!!
The doctor was so helpful and answered ALL my concerns and questions.
I have two more appointments ( maybe one additional).  Tomorrow is my physical from my physician to clear me for surgery.  He may require me to have an echocardiogram so we'll see after my 2 pm doctor appointment.
Wednesday I am going grocery shopping with my dietitian for one hour.  I know it will be worth the $15.
Our kettle corn business is really busy this week. We have 4 concerts so that will keep things off my mind.
My son is coming home for a visit and concert on Wednesday I can't wait to see him it's been way to long..since Christmas.
Thanks again for your support and I will have pictures and my weight before surgery next Monday/Tuesday.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

2 weeks before surgery

Thank you for reading my blog.  I hope you will follow me through my new journey.
I can't believe I am blessed to have this surgery 2 weeks from today.  I am writing this blog so my friends and family can see my journey for a healthier Jana.
I have been over weight for approx. half of my life.  I didn't start gaining my weight until late 20's early 30's.
As a child I was skinny.  Always having issues and in the hospital alot a young child.
I had children at a young age 19 and 22 so after child birth I was so upset I weighted 160 lbs.  What I wouldn't give to weigh that again ( oh, I will be that again one day soon). 
I dedicated my life to my husband and children.  Never taking the time to watch what I was eating or to even work out. Remember I never had weight issues growing up so working out was never a thought in my mind.

I even tried out for the biggest loser twice.  Once with a friend and another time all alone.  They didn't pick me.  I was so disappointed I told myself "I will show them".  I lost 45-50 lbs and 28+ inches.  Again the weight slowly came back.

I don't have any health issues besides being over weight.  No pills- nothing. 
My Gynecology Dr. Bruce Taylor (who I've been seeing for 27+ years) sat me down and for the 3rd time gave me information on weight loss. 

I wasn't  unable to change health insurance because of my BMI.  Insurance rates were sky high for me due to being over weight.  When Obama changed things I was then able to change insurance (an extra $300 a month) to a plan that would cover my surgery ($6,300 deduct) + all co pays (20 dr. visits ).
I thought it's now or never Jana.  My husband Mike is very supportive and said let's do it no matter what the cost.  

I went to my first consultation in February and group meeting.  My insurance became effective April 1st.
The appointments began.  To date I ended up with 20 appointments.  
At first I was so frustrated and discouraged but I realized I picked the #6 Bariatric Clinic in the U.S.
I can see why.

Fast forwarding to 2 weeks before my surgery:  my Dr. requires 2 weeks of clear liquids prior to surgery to help shrink the liver.  You can have some veggies, jello, plain salads, and up to 4 protein shakes a day.
I was really nervous about starving before surgery so I decided to start mine July 1st.  I started eating only 1 meal a day and two protein shakes.  So far I've lost 13 lbs and 3.5 inches.  My goal is to lose 12-15 more pounds prior to surgery on 7/29/14.
I will have before pictures up prior to surgery.  
This blog will keep me on track and inform my friends and family on how I am doing.  Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers during this New Journey.  I also wanted to mention my husband Mike is working out and eating less and trying to lose weight with me.  He has attended several meetings and is so supportive.  I am blessed to have him in my life and my boys.  My youngest son Dustin isn't to happy about mom having the surgery (mainly worried about me) but they both want a healthier mom.  I owe it to my family and I'm going to try my VERY best to do it.
Shrinky Vinke
a.k.a ( Jana )